"Creating Awareness One Parish at a Time"
We are the VOICE and the STRENGTH for those who struggle for a diagnosis of dysautonomia, due to lack of education and awareness. We are the HELPING HANDS that find resources for our members and their caretakers, so no one travels this journey alone. We are here to bring KNOWLEDGE and AWARENESS to medical providers and the general public, so dysautonomia is no longer unheard of.

We aim to share our stories with hospitals, health care offices, families, and friends. Our goal is to find caregivers and individuals who go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. We are here to inspire, advocate, be the example, pave the way, and cast a light into the vast darkness that comes with a chronic illness like dysautonomia. If we reach just one person, so they do not struggle for years to receive a diagnosis and proper treatment, then we have achieved our goal. We will work tirelessly until every parish, hospital, school, and community in Louisiana have been touched by our group.
[ dis-aw-tuh-noh-mee-uh ]
Dysautonomia, or autonomic dysfunction, is a condition which affects the proper function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This affects the heart, bladder, intestines, sweat glands, pupils and blood vessels.
-Cleveland Clinic
"Creating Awareness One Parish at a Time"
If you have some spare time and a passion to help others, this is your place.
There are many ways our supporters can contribute to Dysautonomia Louisiana, Inc's important work. Use the selections below to learn more. If you have any questions or would like to get involved in other ways, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly crew.
We need event planners, data researchers, social media managers, phone call makers, letter writers, graphic designers, and much more...
You can work from your home any hour of the day (or night). If you're limited for time, you're welcome to come out and volunteer an event. Whatever you have to offer, we are in need of it!
To become a mover and shaker on our team, please fill out the form below and we will find a place for you to shine!

Have an impact in your parish by planning/requesting a proclamation, hospital awareness event, or fundraiser.
Request is Free of charge, Dysautonomia Louisiana covers the cost for you!
Just fill out the form below and submit, some from our organization will contact you to get started!

Every parish that has had a proclamation or held an awareness event, which was organized by
the parish council,
has been painted turquoise.

"Surround yourself with people who get it"
- Ashley Parish Benoit

These are the "movers and shakers" of our organization. The folks who make things happen!​

Cheryl Robinson

We need you!
Community Committee Leader

Billie-Ann Lopez Reed

Please help
Educational Committe Leader

Lori Monte Besselman

say YES..
Fundraising Committee Leader

Will this be you?
Medical Committee Leader

say YES..
Fundraising Committee Leader